
An effective and popular politician and governmental official
(like a beloved Biblical preacher)
discreetly declares to good voters what they need and want,
while shrewdly divertive to evil voters
about what they also need but do not want.....
and (with adjustable Scriptural discernment)
trys his best to remind or convince every voter
to want what they need.

Do you believe, for the sake of anti-depressant self-esteem and feeling of self-worth, that people are basically good?

The Creator calls them "good" at the end of Creation Week, according to Genesis chapter one:

Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that He had made, and hey, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.

I wonder if He still would have said that at the end of Genesis chapter three and beyond, after Eve then Adam tragically made wrong use of the created stumbling blocks of the imposed Tempting Serpent, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil....misused by Dangerous Human Free Will.

Job 5:7 .....but man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?
Romans 7:18 For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it.

In view of anti-abortion-but-mopheads-blattering FOX plus short-haired-but-lesbian-Rachel-Maddow MSNBC along with hateful accusators Chris Matthews and especially Keith Olbermann on MSNBC......and in the sacred and savvy spirit of Israeli-security-protecting war-hero George W. Bush (who Satan's own such as those on AM 950 in contrast to 1280 The Patriot have reviled with "war criminal" slander), Brit Hume, Karl Rove (who dunkey's-bunghole Al Franken libeled "human filth" in one of his books), Pat Robertson (defamed by guest of booby-kikelike Joy Behar), Mitt Romney, Governor Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Dick Morris, Rush Limbaugh, etc......the following question is asked:

Since Christ Jesus rightly stated that:

Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

why did a majority of citizens in California, by referendum, overturn the same-sex marriage ruling?

An obvious but somewhat superficial answer (in view of the Matthew 7:13 immoral-majority statement of Jesus) is that there were a substantial number of Christian and Christianity-accomodatng people (on city councils, as government clerks and registrars, municipal and district and supreme-court judges) with anti-homopervert Biblical viewpoints who voted with genuine political correctness pertaining to the referendum.

And let's not forget about the fully one-third of the truly good-soil and heteropure rainbow lovers of the recent ELCA Churchwide Assembly who voted against the pro-homo-clergy/blessing resolutions.

Is Christ's evil-majority Matthew 7:13 asssessment faulty and wrong, because of the majority anti-homosodomite-marriage referendum outcome in California?

Not at all, because of additional factors not difficult to understand when the honestly thoughtful and intellectually pensive delve deeper into rationale describing what happened.

First of all, we must understand that homosodomites demanding marriage and legal marital acknowledgment are a fringe group of rude and impolite nutjobs disrupting various selfish aspects of many of the moderate comprising the Immoral Majority. For example, immodest hetero-intentioned mopheaded women are not on a quest for vaginas-only pseudoerotic substitutions, but rather erection-capable satisfying and fulfilling penises of human males, with legally-binding hetero-marital money and property accumulated by and associated with relationships involving males who are seeking female vaginas and both the safety and stability of hetero-marital unions with such.

Added to that, there are, within the Matthew 7:13-described moderates of the Immoral Majority, worldly businessmen and salesmen and advertisers who are greedily seeking commercial profits from goods and services offered to gullible potential consumers also of the Immoral Majority, but which consumers are and would continue to be turned off by the understandable obnoxiousness of any non-solicited imposition of advertising for, displays of, and promotion towards disgusting and sickening homosodomy.

Let's not forget the IRS agents, whose nationally-extensive coast-to-coast Form 1040 is thoroughly engrained with hetero-distinctions of husband and wife, and being heterosexually married or single. The whole economical and financial structure of American society is presently and of necessity based upon the definition of marriage being heterosexual and not homosexual.

At this point, we can also ask the questions:

- How much contribution money is being collected to rebuild earthquake-devastated voodoo-reputation pact-made-with-the-Devil Haiti from the brownie-points-presuming throwers of pearls before occultic swine, and
- How much of that money will actually be temporarily diverted to the health-insurance-overhaul and campaign warchests of demoncrats in our country?

Keep in mind that the terror-and-hateful-eyes demonic (like Nancy Pelosi) are in it for the long haul using every devious trick in the book, operating in establishment procedures rather than cutting themselves short as wacko suicide/genocide murderers, so as to do as much damage against the cause and doctrines of Christ (contained in the Bible) as they can, being that the longer they live in whatever authority positions they dictate within, the more confusion and subversion they in fact commit and not perform to the detriment against and not of Christ's Great Commission.

So why is the homosodomite and same-sex-marriage phenomenon so much in the news so often?

Three suggestions follow:

(1) openly-puffed activist homosodomites are so shockingly bizarre that they attract unusual attention, like looking at a scary circus accident gone awry or jetliner explosion.
(2) most greedy-for-audience-and-profits network media persons have made and continue to make a majority-appearance mountain out of a rather insignificant molehill in their demented desire for money using mass-media-publicity sensationalism (which is not to say that a little real and existing noxious leaven does not have significant pollutive effect on the entire populace lump), and
(3) people love to hear something they themselves can use as a scapegoat to divert investigations into their own particular forms of defiling and despicable aberration.

Now, it is not too late for us to make and break New Year's Resolutions (good and evil).

This is true:

* for the so-called ELCA-reform groups such as destined-for-IRS-social-policies-regulation CORE plus women-in-charge, include-everyone-even-homo-tolerant-ELCA-pensioned, and anti-hierarchal-episcopate congregational-polity-only Word Alone.......
* for no-eternal-punishment-possible Richard Ames and ilk of Tomorrow's World cable-TV series........
* for pro-abortion-choice-cabinet-appointees and forced-insurance/indirect-campaign-funding Obama and the Dems vs. the GOP.......
* for anti-Christianity-in-public separation-of-church-and-state Herodian types......
* for Planned Parenthood (a.k.a. Planned Promiscuity), NARAL, abortion-"rights" (wrongs!) media.....
* for heretic religious and American-history revisionists.......
* for metaphysical and eastern-mysticism gurus and mantra-mouthers.......
* for all-religions-coexisting inclusivistic......
* for universikook, collegiakook, and PBS pseudo-"scientific" mythological evolutionists.....
* for network TV and radio harassively-blattering nuisance anchoresses and reporteresses and commentatoresses......
* for myself, etc.

So the following applies to each one of us - to various degrees and in personal (very personal!) ways:

Referee 01

Referee 02

Referee 03

Referee 04

Referee 05

Referee 06

Referee 07

Referee 08

Referee 09

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Referee 11

Referee 12

Referee 13

Referee 14

Referee 15

Referee 16

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Referee 18

Referee 19

Referee 20

Referee 21

Referee 22

Referee 23

Referee 24

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Referee 31

Referee 32

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